Feather and Down species
Delete ”If a content test (IDFB Part 3) is completed, only goose and duck are reported. If a content test is NOT completed, landfowl may also be reported.”
删除: “若完成了成分检测,则仅需报告鹅鸭含量。若未进行成分检测,也可报告陆禽含量”。
Added sec.12.4 a)
“a) It is acceptable to use the down clusters from the composition test of IDFB Part 3 if they are less than 0.1g but greater than 0.07g. "
新增: “可以使用IDFB 第3部分成分分析中重量不足0.1g但大于0.07g的朵绒进行检测”。
Revised 12.4 f)
“Repeat the test with a second sample of 0.1 g down clusters according to steps 12.4 a ~ f ”. (old: a ~ d).
修订:“按照12.4a ~ f 步骤,对第二个样品进行重复”(旧版本:重复a~d 步骤)。
In cases where down fiber is over 50% of the material, at least 50 down fibers should also be tested to determine the species of the down fiber porition.
Added 12.5 d)
“Feathers should be tested for species in all cases, even if feathers are a small percentage of the sample.”
新增: “在任何情况下,都应对羽毛进行种类检测,即使其含量很低”。
Revise 12.5 f) “Repeat the test with a second sample of 1g feathers according to 12.5 a-e.” (old: a~d)
修订:“第2个1g毛片样,按照重复12.5 a~e 操作”(旧:a~d)
In cases where feather fiber is over 50% of the material, at least 50 down fibers should also be tested to determine the species of the festher fiber porition.
Delete“Initial calculation of fibre species”.
b)Initial calculation of fibre species
If down fibers and/of festher fibers are tested as per 12.5e or 12.6e, calculate down and/of gesther fibres in a similar manner as 12.7.a
Revised the note in 12.6. initial calculation.
(Use only landfowl found in the species microscope/microfiche analysis.Do NOT include landfowl found in the content analysis —— this will be added in the final report calaculation)
Landfowl is calculated only if content analysis(IDFB 3)was NOT tested.If content analysis was tested do not report landfowl in the species report.(Landfowl is already reported in the content analysis report. )
Revised 12.8 d) to a sub-section of 12.7 c)
c)In all other cases(where goose is not the majority or duck is less than 50%)comple one or more of the following procedues:
Re-examine the unidentified down using the Japen species tips (see part 12.10).
Re-examine unidentified down by a 2nd analyst.
If,after completing the above steps,the majority of down is still not goose or the duck down is still less than 50%,re-classify the unidentified down as goose.
d)After completing the steps in c)above:
If goose down is the majority,re-classify the unidentified down as goose down.
If duck down is more than 50% of the down.reclassify the unidentified down as duck down.
In any other case,re-classify the unidentified down as goose down.Optionally,the unidentified down can be reported as"Unidentified Down"in the report.
d)If the down clust percentage is less than 60% and the majority of feathers are not goose and the duck feathers are <50%,complete one or more of the following proceducres:
Re-examine the unidentified down using the Japen species tips (see part 12.10).
Re-examine unidentified down by a 2nd analyst.
If,after completing the above steps,the majority of feathers are still not goose or the duck down is still less than 50%,re-classify the unidentified down as goose.
若朵绒含量<60%,大部分毛片又不是鹅,且鸭毛<50%, 应完成下述一个或更多的操作:
d)If the down clust percentage is less than 60% and the majority of feathers are not goose and the duck feathers are <50%,complete one or more of the following proceducres:
Re-examine the unidentified down using the Japen species tips (see part 12.10).
Re-examine unidentified down by a 2nd analyst.
di)After completing the above steps,re-classify the unidentified feathers as per 12.8 a,b,or c.
Otherwise,re-classify the unidentified feathers as goose feathers,Optionally,the unidentified feathers and be reported as "Unidentified Feathers"in the test report.
若朵绒含量<60%,大部分毛片又不是鹅,且鸭毛<50%, 应完成一个或更多的下述操作步骤:
完成上述步骤以后,根据12.8 a~c,对不可区分进行重新归类。否则,将不可区分归为鹅。或,报告中直接报告为“不可区分”。
Revised the formula of 12.9 b) (new)/12.10 b) (old)
Deleted 12.11 Reporting Species in Fibre Samples. (2023 version)